
Thursday, 3 February 2022

Where will you be at the cross?


Where will you be at the cross?


Will you stand with Pilate, washing your hands of Jesus?

Will you laugh and scorn with the scoffers?

Will you champion sinners and bay for innocent blood with the crowd?

Will you run with Peter, afraid to say you know Him?

Will you sit with the gamblers, looking to gain by Him, not knowing

the greatest gift was freely given?

Will you scorn Him in your final hour like the thief beside Him?



Will you carry His cross like Simon?

Follow Him right to the end like the many

who waited and watched and wept?

Will you grieve from the depths of your heart like Mary his mother

as lifelong shadows fall?

Will you call on Him in your final hour like the thief beside Him?

Will you promise, like John to care for his family?

Declare Him Lord, like the centurion?

Will you give your worldly possessions like Joseph of Arimathea?

Risk your public standing like Nicodemus?


And will you always be one of His disciples,

Waiting for the morning, a new day

And His arriving?


Where will you be at the cross?

Because everyone, sometime

Will come to the cross.




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