
Sunday, 9 November 2014

Warnings in Hebrews Continued.

“Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another- and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25

Church life can be in some ways like a love affair. You may look around for a church to attend and decide on a congregation that seems to tick all the boxes for you. You can invest much of your time, energy, money and other resources there. You may allow yourself to be honest about your past, failings, struggles and emotional vulnerabilities. It can be fulfilling and rewarding. But churches are also places where people can be hurt. They can feel rejected by the very community that they put their trust into.  Some walk away, vowing never to trust or return to church life again.

In the first few chapters of Acts, we see the establishment of the early church following Christ’s death and resurrection and the sending of the Holy Spirit, to indwell the lives of the believers and be Christ’s witness in the world. The church was a dynamic body, believers who constantly met together, shared what they had and preached the gospel. The church grew rapidly. Wonderful things were happening.

Then, in Acts chapter 5, we have the story of Ananias and Sapphira, his wife. We see that temptation was already beginning to creep into the newly established church. Peter, in speaking to Ananias, told him that “Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit.”

Let us always remember that the source of church disunity is Satan, who seeks to undermine the church by dividing and conquering, stealing its peace, killing its witness and destroying its work.  We are fallen humans, born with sinful hearts that can only be redeemed through the grace of Christ. We are still prone to our own selfish desires and pride-filled attitudes.

As we read through the epistles to the early churches, we find that Satan’s temptations and consequences for the church did not end with the deaths of Ananias and Sapphira. The church throughout history has been faced with corruption, false teaching, immoral behaviour , competitiveness, and personal feuds. Even our church life can become an idol in itself when we think of our ministries and positions and forget that Jesus is the “author and perfector of our faith.”(Hebrews 12:12). Within the church each believer is faced with trials and temptations, including trials which tempt them to opt out of belonging to a church.  Yet the church has endured and Satan will not prevail against it. Imperfect though we all may be, the church contains men and women whose heartfelt desire is to love God, obey Him and make His love known to those who do not yet know Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

Church attendance is one of our strengths as believers. Christ taught not only personal, individual relationships with God, but a corporate faith relationship as a body of believers. We come together to share worship, to learn, to pray together and to support and encourage one another. Just as a husband and wife marry for a lifetime of support and care for each other, so the church is the bride of Christ, who as a body will serve Him here on earth and rejoice in His presence forever in Heaven. Indeed the Bible tells us that our earthly marriages are a symbol of this heavenly relationship of Christ with His church. This is yet another reason that Satan loves to attack and destroy marriages.

It’s been said that the church is one of the few institutions in this world that exists for the benefit of its non-members. I don’t fully agree with that view, but certainly the ministry and outreach that can be performed by a group of believers acting together is much more than that which can be achieved by single individuals. So if you truly want to see the unsaved reached and the light of Christ being shone into the dark corners of life, consider being connected to a caring Christian community.

Pray that God will give you wisdom and guidance regarding where you should worship. Sometimes, in the case of a ministry leading, or avoiding an immoral relationship, or unresolved conflict, it may be necessary to change churches. Some people spend all their lives in one particular church community, others may be in a particular place for a time or a season.

Heavenly Father, thank You that we can come to You, as individuals and as members of our church congregations, to give You praise and honour that is Yours alone. Thank You for the gift of Jesus, who died on the cross to glorify You and to make a way for this fallen world to be in right relationship with You, through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. I pray for anyone reading here who is not connected to a church fellowship, that they would be encouraged to follow the prompting and leading of Your Holy Spirit, to become part of a body of fellowshipping believers in this world. We look forward with joy to the time when we will join that great congregation of angels and people of all tribes and nations together as one body giving glory and honour to the Lamb of God, and we come to You in the name of Jesus. Amen

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