
Thursday, 27 November 2014

Some final warnings in Hebrews

In the final chapter of Hebrews, chapter 13, the writer gives a recap of some of his or her main points and gives some final succinct admonitions regarding attitudes and relationships.

We are to make every effort to live in peace and be holy people. Peace begins within, by feeling at peace with our selves and our circumstances. This includes being free from the love of money, and by being hospitable and sharing with others who are in difficult situations.

We are warned in verse 9 of chapter 13 not to be carried away by all kinds of false teachings. How do you differentiate between true and false teaching? Know your Bible. Test what is said against what is written. Is God given the position of honour in this teaching? Does it proclaim Jesus Christ as the only Son of God, acknowledging Him as the only way that we are justified and forgiven?

Not only are we to pursue peace within ourselves, but we are to seek it with others. Unity between people is something which is continually under attack from the enemy. Disputes between peoples can destroy families, churches and nations. Roots of bitterness have devastating consequences for personal growth and ministries.

Conflict is not the only device of the enemy to destroy Christians. Sexual immorality is a temptation that also destroys reputations, witness and ministries. We are reminded to honour marriage.

All Christians have a responsibility to lead lives which honour God, but in particular those in ministry and leadership positions within the church have a responsibility to be worthy of imitation in faith and way of life. As the laity, it is our responsibility to expect good conduct and to support and not undermine our ministers.

In summary, Hebrews reminds the reader to live personal lives of holiness, learning, and perseverance and to contribute to the body of Christ by encouraging one another and living in peace and unity.

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