In my life I’ve lived through some dark times and been in
some dark places emotionally. Part of my Christian ministry in recent years has
been to return to some of these dark places, as one who connects with and encourages
others who are wandering in the shadows.
Nobody is more aware of the spiritual realm all around us
than those who deeply seek to live an authentic Christian life and walk with
Jesus Christ on a daily basis. We live in a battle zone, with a clear demarcation
between Christ and His angelic messengers and Satan and his demonic hoards.
Though he is already defeated and doomed to destruction, Satan in his limited
time at loose in this earth is firmly intent upon destroying whoever he can,
and his sights are firmly set on God’s people. Those in ministry leadership are
in the front lines, and they need our support and prayers, but all who are
committed to God face trials and temptations of many kinds and as such are
involved in spiritual warfare.
It’s important then to be aware of your own spiritual
health. Prayer connects us deeply to God. Reading
and studying the Bible builds our knowledge and insight. Fellowship in a
Christian community provides an important source of encouragement. I cannot
overemphasize the importance of prayer, both individually and with others who
willingly act as intercessors.
I am sometimes amazed by the gifts of discernment and
perception that God gives to His people who are involved in caring for others
and encouraging them onwards in their journeys towards spiritual growth, healing and
wholeness. In addition God brings about through His own design so many times
when a person is in the right place at the right time to intercede or encourage
or help. It may be a stranger with a word in season. It may be a friend or
acquaintance who is ideally placed to help. I have been encouraged so many
times in my life by a word or comment and sometimes the person
saying the words has no idea of the effect they have had. Such are the ways of
We do not walk into the darkness in our own strength.
Remember the warning given in the account of the sons of Sceva in Acts, chapter
19. These seven men were attempting to cast out demons from people by invoking
the name of Jesus, yet had no real knowledge of the gospel or personal
experience of Christ as their Saviour. In one case an evil spirit responded by
telling them “Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?” before
severely beating them up. We have no power against demons unless we first abide
in Christ.
It is always God’s Holy Spirit in us which is the light
which will defeat the darkness. In any given situation we can trust God to have
prepared the way for us. His Holy Spirit is the Parakletos, the One who comes
alongside. He will be with us every step of the way. And His Holy Spirit will
attend to all that continues beyond our own efforts after we leave a given
Jesus is the light of this world. He is in us, and with us.
Walk into the darkness, carrying the light.
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