For the past few weeks I’ve been privileged to attend a
series of study lectures on various topics, collectively termed under the title
of “Seriously”. These were designed to enable the attendee to consider how
various aspects of the physical, cultural and metaphysical world give evidence
to the reality of God and reflect His greatness. The series was hosted by author Jonathan
Clerke and some of the presentations from this and previous years may be viewed
through YouTube by searching on Jonathan Clerke Official.
The various topics
presented provided much food for thought and I hope I can share a few of my impressions
over time in this blog, with the disclaimer that I am not a trained scientist
or university trained professional, as were the presenters of the series, but
rather someone who has loved and attempted to follow Jesus for a long while and
learned through personal study and life experiences. As Christians, when we
learn, it is not merely for our own edification. The great commission of Christ
is to share what we have with others, in order for God to be known, received and
One of the great privileges of being human is the ability to
ask deep and serious questions about the nature of our being. How did the world
around us form? How did humans get to be on this earth? What is the purpose of
our being? Are we more than a brain in a body? What is the soul? Could
artificial intelligence evolve to the point of independent thought/ reasoning/ selfhood
and ultimately overtake humans? How do features of the natural world indicate
intelligent design?
As we question and learn, we unfold further questions, we
seek more answers. Our place in the universe and our relationship to the world and
its peoples around us is the basis for all science, culture, law and religion. As
Christians, by both professional research and by faith, we believe that the
Bible can be trusted completely to reveal the triune God – God the Father,
Jesus Christ His Son and the Holy Spirit as the One who created this world and
made mankind in His image.
Some would say a Christian approach is mere naïve supposition. Others would say it is the result of logical conclusion. No matter:
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8
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