
Sunday, 25 March 2018

Book review: Jesus the Game Changer: the book of the series.

Book Review: Jesus the Game Changer: How the Life and Teaching of Jesus Changed the World and Why it Matters
The Book of the Series
By Karl Faase with George Marriott, Photography by Jane Faase. Olive Tree Media, 2017.

This is a Christian coffee table book, with added oomph. Unlike a lot of coffee table books, this is one you will actually want to pick up and read. When you begin to read it, you’ll want to read it all. Actually, I’m doing it an injustice in some ways to call it a coffee table book. It’s a little smaller and more manageable to hold. But I want it on my coffee table. I want my unsaved family members and friends to see it in pride of place. Because it means far more to me than the latest art or travel book.
Last year on this blog I reviewed “The Book That Made Your World” by noted Indian writer Vishal Mangalwadi and discussed that for a layperson like myself it was a difficult read in places. Not so Jesus the Game Changer. Both books have a similar purpose- to discuss how the Western world has developed throughout history because of the impact of the Bible and the teachings of Christ. (Vishal Mangalwadi is in fact one of the persons interviewed in the book). Both look at the various areas of culture that are transformed by Biblical teaching- education, health, finances, science, democracy and more. As such both are complementary in informing the reader in divergent ways about the massive debt the modern world owes the Bible and the person of Christ.
The book of Jesus the Game Changer is actually part of the resource materials of a media series- a set of DVDs, an associated study guide and this book of the series. My local church, Bridgeman Baptist, has just been involved in a nationwide series involving over 200 churches studying the topic. I heartily recommend the DVDs for informing, inspiring and deepening your Christian knowledge and faith. But one does not need to have viewed the DVD series to read the book. As a book lover, the book is the icing on the cake.
This is truly a beautiful book. It feels lovely. It is full of beautiful photography. The format is clear and it’s easy to delve into different sections. It’s no dry treatise but is peopled with interesting and inspiring “game changers” from history and some living today. How could I resist a book whose first “game changer” is William Wilberforce, one of my heroes, born in my birthplace of Hull, exactly two hundred years before my birth? We are introduced to people who are living out their faith, grappling with issues such as forgiveness, the distribution of wealth and care of the unlovely.
The book records interviews with some of the world’s leading theologians and academics from prestigious universities, Christian apologists and leaders in health care, business, politics, media and more. It includes quotes which are deeply profound and thought provoking. To give just two examples:
“We have gotten so used to the idea of freedom and democracy and economic prosperity, we take it for granted. We have no idea that if it is a cut flower it will continue to look beautiful for a season but ultimately it’s lost the connection to the source of life.”  Eric Metaxas, bestselling author, biographer of Bonhoeffer and Martin Luther, and radio host, New York.

“But I think that there’s a deeper reason here. In the end, giving is a way of protecting your heart, insulating your heart against what we all feel. We all know it’s [money] a seductive thing. It’s potentially an idol. All idols are seductive.” Professor Ian Harper, corporate economist, Melbourne.
This book is peopled with active participants, and in the final pages, the reader is included. The book acknowledges the many Christians who faithfully work and give behind the public eye to advance the gospel in many differing spheres of life. It also gives a brief guide and prayer for the unbeliever to find faith in God through Jesus Christ. We can all be game changers.
I thoroughly enjoyed and recommend this book. It’s refreshing, inspiring and thought provoking.

“Jesus the Game Changer:How the life and teaching of Jesus changed the world and why it matters.
The book of the series.” Karl Faase with George Marriott, Photography by Jane Faase.
Olive Tree Media Ltd. 2017
Available from

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