Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to
preach good news to the poor.” (Isaiah 61:1)
These words spoken by the prophet Isaiah
were read aloud in the synagogue in Nazareth by Jesus as He began His teaching ministry,
following His baptism and temptation in the wilderness by Satan. This choice of
scripture demonstrates to us Jesus’ love of and mission to suffering humanity.
We live in a world which glorifies riches
of every kind. To be wealthy is to be successful. In my lifetime, I’ve heard
countless discussions by groups of female friends about the desirability of
marrying a rich man. I’ve heard many acquaintances discussing how wonderful it
would be to win the latest lottery. So much money is spent on the trappings of
materialism, intent on making an impression- cars, houses, clothes, sporting
equipment, restaurants, etc. Industries exist to create wealth and maintain it-
through investments, real estate portfolios and other means.
Then there are those who are poor. We
consider the poor to be those with little income or assets. In my work in
community health I often visited those whom our western society would deem poor.
One lady said to me “I never expected to end up like this.” She had suffered
much from the effects of an abusive alcoholic husband and ill health. Another
couple had lost their home through entrusting their savings to a corrupt
investment broker. There are many varied factors which contribute to success,
conversely many factors contribute to distressed circumstances.
When Jesus spoke about preaching good news
to the poor, however, He was not primarily talking about physical poverty.
Later in Matthew’s gospel, in chapter 5, in the passages we refer to as the
Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes (the blessings) Jesus says:
are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”.
Again, Jesus begins an important session of
ministry with reference to the poor. Who are these poor people?
When God created the heavens and the earth,
back in the first chapters of Genesis, He is pleased with all the He creates,
calling it “very good” (Genesis 1:31). Mankind is given an earth full of
wonderful natural features- light and darkness, water and sky, heavenly sun,
moon and stars, fish, plants and animals. Adam and Eve have each other for
human care and company. Most of all they have a deep and abiding relationship
with God. They wanted for nothing, including free will.
Yet, because they chose to sin, Adam and
Eve and all their descendants- the entire human race and all the natural
creation was cursed by God. From then on there was strife and enmity, brother
striving against brother, jealousy and murder. This sin has pervaded the earth
in many forms and includes the greed and covetousness which can promote
poverty. Adam and Eve were cast out of bounteous Eden into a land which
produced thistles and thorns and required hard toil to cultivate. Far worse,
the intimacy of personal relationship with God was severed.
Humanity since the fall has suffered from a
deep spiritual poverty, which applies to both rich and poor alike. There comes
a point in life where a person realises that they are sinful and unable to feel
complete through their own efforts, that what they have been trying to achieve
through work or human relationships or material possessions does not fill the
emptiness within. Only by re-establishing a relationship with God can this
poverty be eradicated, which is one of the main reasons that Jesus was sent to
earth. He alone is the way to God for fallen humans:
“I am the
way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me. ” (John 14:6)
It is this deep spiritual
poverty that Jesus addresses in the synagogue in Nazareth and in the Sermon on
the Mount. It is useless being surrounded by beautiful furnishings and driving
an expensive car if one feels spiritually empty. Some of the happiest people on
the earth are those who have very little in the way of worldly goods yet have a
great faith and hope in Christ. A prayer of repentance and commitment to
following God is the way to receiving Christ as your personal Saviour. His Holy
Spirit will fill that empty place in your soul as nothing else can. Riches
We must be careful that we
do not judge others on the basis of their material riches or lack thereof. Some
godly people are blessed with material riches, others may experience poverty.
It is very much part of Christian doctrine and practice that those who are
blessed should use their blessings to assist those who are in need and to
further the expansion of God’s kingdom through the work of the church. My own
ancestry includes a forebear who established a series of alms houses in England
and traditionally it has been Christian culture which has established charities
to assist the poor. In the Biblical book of Proverbs there are many verses
concerning acting fairly in business practices. In the book of Ezekiel, the
city of Sodom is berated, not for its sexual immorality, but its lack of
concern for the poor:
“Now this was
the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and
unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.” (Ezekiel 16:49)
In my current employment, I work with those
who might be considered physically poor- those with brains and bodies damaged
and distorted, unable to walk or talk as others do. Yet I imagine that they are
some of the most rich in spirit for they create a community of such love and
care. In a world in which some would say that they should not have been allowed
to survive at birth, they are people who enrich the lives of others in so many
ways. I believe that they have a special place in the heart of God and as such
deserve the best care and attention that they can be given.
In the book of Job, we see a very wealthy,
God-fearing man who lost a great deal – his children, wealth and health, yet he
maintained his relationship with God. He remained wealthy. When we have that
relationship with God, He will be our source of well-being, no matter what the
circumstances. As the apostle Paul wrote to the church in Philippi:
know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have
learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well
fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
can do all this through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:12-13)
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