now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord” Isaiah 1:18
“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.
Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the
reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” 1
Peter 3:15
Recently at my home group we had a short
discussion about whether it was appropriate to sometimes flip open the Bible,
expecting God to speak to us through it. My answer to this is yes, and no.
Randomly flipping open the Bible might bring a much needed piece of advice or
inspiration from God, or it might result in reading a long list of genealogies
or measurements of the temple.
There is nothing in the Bible that is not
good, or beneficial. God would not harm anyone through the practice of opening
it willy- nilly, but I think it’s far more important to read it systematically
and purposefully. When you regularly read the Bible and know its contents, you
can open it with understanding and read passages which will give strength and
direction according to your particular needs or those of others.
I tend to shy away from randomness when it
comes to God. Let’s face it, many new age occult practices have a high degree
of randomness attached- toss a bundle of sticks and see how they fall; pull
cards out of a pack and they will reveal your destiny. False Gods of false religions are capricious, playing
with people like pawns and their religious practices revolve around repetitious
efforts to please or appease them.
No so the true God of the Bible. He is the God
of love and compassion as well as justice. His word gives us His precepts, upon
which whole civilizations have been constructed. His word clearly defines the reasons for the
human condition of sinfulness and how mankind can come into right relationship
with Him again – only through His Son, Jesus Christ. We see the results in the changed lives of
those who commit themselves to Christ.
Such is God’s love for us that He did not
leave us alone when Jesus ascended to Heaven, but sent His Holy Spirit to be
with us, indwelling the Christian, providing counsel and encouragement. God’s
Holy Spirit has been much misrepresented through the extremism of some
churches, but it is real, operating in the lives of Christians, sometimes
miraculously, sometimes more quietly.
Through prayer we are told to bring our needs and requests to God. When God says, come let us reason together, He means just that. He is not, as one secular song lyrics suggest, watching us from a distance. He's with us. He loves to have us talk with Him, and He answers in many various ways. The Bible records Jacob wrestling with God, and some of us do that on occasion. The Psalms contain many passages of lament and pleading with God. as well as joy and wonder. Through prayer we can talk to God about what we want to do with the resources he has given us, our talents and desires and dreams. We can talk to God about anything- fears, temptations, problems and more, and know that He hears and cares.
Through prayer we are told to bring our needs and requests to God. When God says, come let us reason together, He means just that. He is not, as one secular song lyrics suggest, watching us from a distance. He's with us. He loves to have us talk with Him, and He answers in many various ways. The Bible records Jacob wrestling with God, and some of us do that on occasion. The Psalms contain many passages of lament and pleading with God. as well as joy and wonder. Through prayer we can talk to God about what we want to do with the resources he has given us, our talents and desires and dreams. We can talk to God about anything- fears, temptations, problems and more, and know that He hears and cares.
God’s word clearly teaches ways of living in
right relationships – with God, with our specific marriage partner, and with
our fellow humans. It affirms that people are born with
free choice, capable of great things as well as evil ones. It discusses the
highest levels of human ethics – e.g. forgiveness, faithfulness, temptation.
The Bible affirms the wonder of all created
things on earth and in heaven. It contains glorious passages describing the
beauty of the natural world and the majesty of heaven. The heavens do not
operate randomly. The stars appear in their patterns and courses. The trees and
plants display amazing intricacy in their life cycles. Animals reproduce after
their kind. The Bible accurately records history of the times in which it was
written – accuracy frequently confirmed by archaeological discoveries.
Far from being “blind faith” Christianity
affirms the highest levels of humanity. Far from being restrictive, it opens a doorway
into a whole realm of relationship and growth. It encourages us to be our best,
achieve our best and most of all to receive the best things that our loving
Father God has for us.
I am never ashamed to call myself a Christian.
I hope more and more that God will give me the ability to answer those who want
to know the reasons for my faith in Him.
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