At the moment I’m involved in a small group study of the
book of Romans, a challenging and exciting book if ever there was one. One
feature of this book is the number of questions that it contains. Paul often
asks a seemingly rhetorical question, then proceeds to answer it e.g. Romans 3:31 “Do
we then nullify the law through faith? Absolutely not! Instead we uphold the
There’s such a great expanse and depth of thought in the
book of Romans and I believe the presence of questions enhances this greatly. Through
questions Paul is highlighting the alternatives. When we ask questions we gain
insight. Every great discovery begins with a sense of intrigue, a desire to
find out more about something.
Questioning can be such a great technique for relating to
others. On my bookshelves sits an antiquated copy of “How to Win Friends and
Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. One of his precepts is to show a genuine
interest in other people. Far too often people like to centre the conversation
around themselves. You don’t often learn anything that way. When you ask
questions of someone else, they often appreciate the fact that you’re
interested in them.
Another use for
questions in a group situation is to draw in the less verbose- the shy or
hesitant members who may not be as forthcoming as some but may equally have
some interesting points of view to contribute to the discussion.
Often when we are witnessing to an unsaved person we can
have the tendency to be “know it alls” when it comes to spiritual truths.
Asking questions may provide a way in which the unsaved person can be
challenged to think about what they believe. After all, we would like them to
ask us questions about what we believe.
As I continue through the book of Romans, I hope I will gain
greater insight into Paul’s use of this technique and that it will equip me to
minister to others more effectively.