
Friday, 25 December 2015


God speaks to me in words – sometimes a single word, sometimes a phrase that impacts on my mind. Yesterday it was a clear word – details. This might seem a strange word to be impressed with on Christmas Day but when you consider how many details need to be attended to before the day dawns, it’s probably an appropriate one for the season.
I heard this word in church yesterday morning, at Bridgeman Downs Baptist church here in Brisbane, where I am one of the congregation. Pastor Billy Williams gave a short and powerful message about the birth of Christ and how the Biblical accounts go into detail about how Christ’s birth, which we celebrate on Christmas Day. This momentous event was brought about step by step, according to God’s will and many different people had a part in it, a role to fulfil, in great ways and small.
I think about all the details of my life. I have some worries that never seem to abate. There are concerns about people that I care for deeply that are beyond my capacity to solve. Fears for the future or even planning for the future can prevent me from thinking about all that I should be thankful for and enjoying in the present.
Yet God reminded me, through one word, that all of the details are in His loving care. There is nothing in this world that is too big or too complex for Him. He created the entire universe, so the squabbles and troubles of one tiny planet are well within His redemptive concern. He’s already given us the gift of salvation through the wonderful present that we celebrate at Christmas – the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Similarly, there is nothing in my life that is too insignificant for God to be unconcerned. He knows the details of my hopes and fears. He brings people into my life to minister to me and help me, and enables me to assist others in ways large or small. He had plans for me before I was born. His Holy Spirit is my Counsellor and guide throughout this earthly life. My loving Heavenly Father will attend to all I leave in this world when I no longer live here.
He’s the God of wonderful detail, able to be trusted with all the details of our lives.
Thank You, Father.



Pastor Billy Williams is an indigenous minister who is not only part of the pastoral staff of Bridgeman Downs Baptist, leading the separate indigenous congregation which meets together but who also is well known and respected throughout Australia for his missional outreach to indigenous people and his networking of indigenous churches and ministries and their partners. He is a thoroughly personable and enjoyable preacher and we are very blessed at Bridgeman to hear his sermons, some of which are available through the Bridgeman Downs Baptist website (link this page) or Youtube.

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