“Why a group of clergy are blessing an abortion clinic” by Alex Zielinski Think Progress 8th October 2015 http://thinkprogress.org/health/2015/10/08/3710251/clinic-blessing-ohio/
It takes a lot to shock me. If you involve yourself in
Christianity over a period of decades, you’ll be aware of the charlatans, false
teachers and manipulators who use Christianity to further their own ends. Never
have I been so shocked and appalled, however, as when I read of a group of
“ministers” blessing an abortion clinic and its activities in Cleveland Ohio.
As seems to be the current trend, Christians who were protesting against abortion, who have the guts to stand up and
declare the truths of the Bible, are attacked and maligned as “the radical religious
Hang your heads in shame, you false “ministers”.
Read your Bible.
Psalm 139 proclaims “For you formed my inward parts; you
knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made.”
The sanctity of human life is protected in the sixth
commandment “You shall not murder.” Exodus 20:6. The Hebrew word used refers to
the deliberate taking of human life. When God specifically states “Thou shall
not murder” in the Ten Commandments, he means just that. This applies as much
to the unborn, or the elderly, or the disabled child as it does to any other
Therefore the Bible clearly condemns abortion. To those who
like to throw up the smoke screen and say “the Bible doesn’t say anything about
abortion” I would ask, what is abortion other than the taking of life in the
womb? Some aborted babies are actually alive following the abortion. Jesus
Himself, when sent by God to earth in human form began His earthly ministry as
a baby in the womb, identifying as being fully human from conception to birth
and beyond.
In addition throughout the Old Testament there are
references to the condemnation God has for the practice of child sacrifice, as
was practised in pagan rituals eg. worship of Molech by the Ammonites. Jeremiah
32:35 states clearly God’s attitude to the killing of children “ They built the
high places of Baal in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to offer up their sons
and daughters to Molech, though I did not command them, nor did it enter into
my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.” We no longer have
altars to Molech, instead we sacrifice babies in the womb to idols of
materialism, ego, selfishness and the oxymoron of “women’s health”.
As Christians we are also told to defend the most
defenceless in our society: “Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the
rights of the afflicted and needy.” (Proverbs 31:9)
And now we have a “minister” saying “There is a reverence
for life that happens in this clinic”. This ludicrous, ironic statement would
be laughable, if it wasn’t so tragic.
We are warned in the Bible that those who are called to
preach and teach the gospel will be called to account for what they teach and
that those who are ordained to be shepherds will be accountable to God for the
way in which they shepherd their flock. (See James 3, Ezekiel 34 as just two
examples). I pray and hope that when I
am called to stand before God at the end of my life and give an account of what
I have attempted to teach or tell others about Him and His word, the Bible,
that I will be able to say that I have always tried to teach according to the
given word and the spirit of all that He has given, to the best of my
understanding, with His leading, gifting and the guidance of His Holy Spirit,
to His honour and glory.
To those people who sanctioned the activities of the abortion
clinic, I would say, If you want to support abortion, do so, but don’t do it in
God’s name, wearing His cross. You are deliberately misrepresenting Him and all
the values and commandments that He has given in the Bible. Your actions may
make you popular in some circles and politically correct in others, but Jesus
never promised that, far from it.
How small these misguided people have made God. They've reduced Him to someone who's there to sanction their actions and fulfill their need for love and acceptance. The God of the Bible is huge, omnipotent, One who is to be served in word and deed, worthy of all honour. He is God of justice and power and wrath. We should fear His righteous anger as well as honour His love and mercy. We are to serve Him, not the reverse. We are told throughout the Bible that if we love God, we are to keep His commandments.
How small these misguided people have made God. They've reduced Him to someone who's there to sanction their actions and fulfill their need for love and acceptance. The God of the Bible is huge, omnipotent, One who is to be served in word and deed, worthy of all honour. He is God of justice and power and wrath. We should fear His righteous anger as well as honour His love and mercy. We are to serve Him, not the reverse. We are told throughout the Bible that if we love God, we are to keep His commandments.
Beware of anyone who talks about being able to do things without shame or regret. Shame and regret are useful emotions because they indicate conscience and moral values. They can bring us to repentance, a close walk with God and a much better life.
I reiterate what I wrote a few weeks ago: Whilst we rail
against the practice of abortion, Christians believe that like every other sin,
God can and does forgive. Jesus Christ died on the cross, paying the penalty
for every human sin. Those who are suffering from the regret of abortion or any
other sin need only to turn to God in repentance and faith, pray a prayer
asking for forgiveness and asking Christ to become Lord of their lives, and
they will be forgiven and will start their lives on a new path of healing and
restoration. Connecting with Bible believing Christian counsellors can assist women to heal from the trauma and pain of abortion. Studying the Bible, prayer and fellowship in a Bible believing, mainstream church is also part of growing in relationship with God.
Those who are involved at all levels in providing abortions and promoting them need our prayers that God will open their eyes to the truth regarding what they are doing and will bring them to a place where they will completely reverse their opinion of it.
Those who are involved at all levels in providing abortions and promoting them need our prayers that God will open their eyes to the truth regarding what they are doing and will bring them to a place where they will completely reverse their opinion of it.
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