In the course of my work in community health I sometimes
hear stories of extraordinary spiritual experiences. I was talking recently with
a woman of advanced age who had been a Christian for over fifty years. In her
early twenties she had a tenuous belief in God but had struggled with her
faith. She prayed earnestly for God to reveal Himself to her and one night she
experienced seeing a person in brilliant white, whose face was hidden. She felt
herself being lifted from her bed and held in the light of this person, whom
she believes was Jesus. She had a feeling of great joy and peace surrounding
her. This experience greatly enhanced her faith, and encouraged her to follow
Jesus throughout her life.
An internet search will reveal many accounts of supernatural
encounters and these testimonies can encourage us to believe in God in His
three forms- Father, Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit. However, we must
exercise caution when dealing with the supernatural. Experiences should never assume
such predominance that we overemphasise them at the expense of prayer, Bible
study and Christian fellowship in a mainstream Christian community.
Throughout the Bible, there are accounts of supernatural
encounters and strange phenomenon. Moses sees a burning bush and hears the
voice of God (Exodus 3). Ezekiel sees
the heavens opened and lightning flashes are accompanied by visions of
burnished chariots with strange creatures speeding across the sky (Ezekiel 1).
Peter is visited by an angel whilst imprisoned, and his chains fall away (Acts
12). God speaks to His people through signs and wonders, prophetic messages and
visions. Miracles of rescue and healing occur. We should not then be surprised
that some of these things are still happening in our own time.
Should we desire to experience supernatural phenomenon?
From the earliest beginnings of the Christian church, we are
warned in scripture to be aware of those preaching another gospel, or false
doctrine – see the book of Jude, Matthew
7:15, 2 Timothy 3, the book of Titus. There are many warnings throughout the
New Testament epistles to be discerning in what we adhere to and believe.
In our culture there are churches where supernatural
phenomena are very much in evidence. We see footage of people being “slain in
the spirit” gyrating around, falling over, laughing hysterically and speaking
in other tongues (Paul does write of the gift of tongues, and gives parameters
for its use). Strange phenomenon these may be, but whether they are
God-honouring or God-inspired is debateable. I would urge anyone to pray for
discernment and direction before committing to a church where the focus is on
supernatural manifestations.
The Bible warns us that Satan can masquerade as an “angel of
light” His demons may well masquerade as angels. In addition, ungodly humans
can preach a different gospel for their own purposes. This is summed up in 2
Corinthians 11:13-15. We are to test the spirits, as is outlined in 1 John
friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they
are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 This is
how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that
Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 but every spirit that does not
acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which
you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.”
It’s important that anything
connected with a supernatural experience respectfully gives honour and glory to
God and supports the gospel message. We should know what the Bible says and
what the gospel message is. Throughout the Bible, supernatural experiences are
to honour God, display His sovereignty and serve His purposes. They are not a
bag of special effects tricks to be trotted out in a stageshow.
When Jesus was resurrected
following His crucifixion, Thomas wanted to touch Him, to ensure that Jesus was
really there. This Jesus permitted, but He told Thomas, and us that
are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29)
We live in a world where we are
physically separated from God. We who love Him long for His presence, to see
Him, to hear His voice. We will one day know that joy in Heaven. Until that
time, I believe that God blesses those who by faith undertake a patient,
lifelong commitment to following after Him. We grow closer by prayer, studying
His word, the Bible, worship and fellowship in Christian community, and living
out our lives for Him.
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