"Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify You." John 17:1
Jesus prayed these words in the upper room with His disciples. They were the opening words of His prayer with them before He went out to be arrested, tried and crucified. They epitomise His love and obedience to His Father, love and obedience which led Him to the cross.
When we think of all that was accomplished on the cross, and there are many facets to the purpose of the cross, we often think of it in terms of what Christ did for us.
Yet in Christ's prayer, His first desire is that He should glorify His Father.
The Trinity speaks to us of that most perfect relationship of love and unity, that of our Father God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, a triune relationship existing before creation came into being and which will last for time eternal.
Christ honoured His Father and did His Father's will, glorifying Him. In doing so He also glorified Himself.
Christ's was the truest, most noble sacrifice ever made because it was the most unjust. He who was perfect love and without sin bore the penalty of sin.
Of course Christ's sacrifice was for us too. He demonstrated God's love for us, that He died for our salvation, to bring us back to a place of reconciliation with God.
On the cross, Christ set the example for our lives. We have an amazing gift, bought with a price.
In Christ, we die to our selves. We live for Him. In everything we do, all that we are, we seek to honour and bring glory to our Father and our Lord.
Dear Heavenly Father God,
I come to You with a thankful and full heart, acknowledging all You have done through Your Son Jesus Christ. Thank You Lord Jesus that in all things You honoured and obeyed your Father. Thank You for the love that was poured out on the cross.
Father, help us to be more and more like Jesus, aware of Your will and obedient to You, serving You in this earthly life in love, and helping those who do not yet know You to come into relationship with Christ. May our lives bring forth fruit for Your kingdom and bring glory to your name Father, we pray,
In the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen
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