The Biblical book of the Prophet Ezekiel displays a characteristic of
many of the Old Testament writings in that the prophecies contained therein may
be considered in two aspects. They applied to the events of that particular
time, but they also contained principles which still apply today, and as such
are prophecies which apply to future events. This is borne out by the
similarity of the prophecies of this Old Testament book to the prophecies in
the book of Revelation, written after the death and resurrection of Christ,
which foretells events yet to come. Therefore it is well worthwhile to look at
the prophecies in Ezekiel, not only in the light of history but also as a
pointer to the end times of Revelation.
Like John in the book of Revelation, Ezekiel is transported
into a place where he sees a vision of the majesty of heaven in all its glory,
the creatures who worship there and the risen Lord Jesus reigning on His
throne. As with John, Ezekiel is left in no doubt about the practices that God
hates and the judgement that is coming:
Prophecy against the
mountains of Israel
Why would anyone prophecy against inanimate objects such as
mountains? It was, in fact, the practices which were occurring on these
mountains which were so abhorrent to God. The people were building altars to
foreign gods, burning incense to idols of wood and stone and other practices.
Our God is a jealous God and will not share our affections
with false idols. The first commandment of the ten is “You shall have no other
Gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). The second is “You
shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or
on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You
shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God...” (Exodus 20:4, 5).
Because of this idolatry, God
foretold through Ezekiel the people of Israel would face destruction of
these places in the mountains, conquest and death by the sword, famine and
plague. It is similar to the outpouring of destruction, plague, famine and
death which is foretold in Revelation and symbolised by the four horsemen of
the Apocalypse.
Those Christians today who specialise
in ministry outreach to people involved in occult practices report that high
places and mountain regions are still targeted for these activities, though
they are by no means exclusive to these areas. Idolatry encompasses a wide
range of practices ranging from new age philosophies to false religions to
infatuations with money or success, anything, in fact which takes the foremost
priority in our lives that should be reserved for God.
Prophecy against Israel’s
leaders (Chapter 11)
The leaders of the people were
practicing evil and giving wicked advice. This is further detailed later in the
book in chapter 22. Because the leaders were wicked and corrupt, other levels
of society followed suit. God promised to destroy these leaders, and even when
Ezekiel was prophesying, one of them died. This serves as a warning that those
who undertake leadership in any form are accountable for their attitudes and
the example they set to those for whom they are responsible.
Prophecy against false
prophets (Chapter 13)
It is a solemn responsibility to declare that something is
from God. In this case He demonstrated through Ezekiel His wrath with those who
“prophecy out of their own imagination” (13:2). He warns: “Have you not seen
false visions and uttered lying divinations” when you say “the Lord declares”
though I have not spoken” (13:7). The actions of these false prophets are
compared to building a flimsy wall and covering it with whitewash – a cheap
disguise. There is also reference to the use of magic charms.
Again, we can look to the Ten Commandments, the third of
which is “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord
will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.” (Exodus 20:7). Not only
blasphemy but to imply that something is from God when it is merely for human
gain is to misuse His name. Those who were prophesying falsely for their own
gain were told they would face destruction.
Interestingly, in 13:10 God
reproved these prophets for leading the people astray by saying “Peace” when
there was no peace. Similarly, in the
book of Revelation we are told that there will be false promises of peace.
Jesus warns us in Matthew 24 that there will be many deceptive false prophets
and this will cumulate in the emergence of the one known as the false prophet
in the time of tribulation detailed in Revelation.[i]
This prophecy serves to remind us
as Christians today that we are not to banter around the Lord’s name or make
exaggerated claims about our spiritual gifts or experiences for our own
edification. We also pray and trust God for discernment and wisdom when
reading, listening to speakers, watching documentaries and other ways that we
use to deepen our knowledge of the things of God. How do they line up with
scripture? Do they give God the honour and glory that is His alone? Do they
proclaim Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the only way for salvation, through
repentance and faith in Jesus, by His blood shed on the cross?
Prophecy against the South (Chapter 21)
Again, Ezekiel was instructed to
prophesy against inanimate objects, in this case a forest, which was to be
consumed by fire. Some versions of the Bible have this southern land named as
the Negev, other commentators have suggested it refers to Judah or possibly Egypt. We can only infer that like
the mountains which drew censure, this southern area was a place of sinful
practices and indifference or hostility to God.
Prophecy against Jerusalem and the land of Israel (Chapter21)
If one reads through chapter 22,
we are given a no-holes-barred description of the practices which were
occurring which grieved and angered and insulted our Heavenly Father to the
extent that judgement and justice were to be meted out. Idolatry, bloodshed,
oppression of the widows and orphans, contempt for parents, sexual immorality,
bribery and corruption were prevalent. Priests were profaning what is holy and
not distinguishing and teaching the difference between good and evil. Officials
were making unjust gain. People were robbing one another. Verse 12 succinctly
encapsulates it all –“And you have forgotten Me” declares the Sovereign Lord.”
There is a very sad verse at the
end of this chapter. “I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall
and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so that I would not have
to destroy it, but I found none.” This idea of standing in the gap is based
upon the physical reality of protective walls and hedges which surrounded
communities for protection- a breach in the wall allowed wild animals or
attackers to gain entry and it would be necessary for anyone defending the
community to literally stand in the gap. Its spiritual equivalent is for
intercessors to both defend their faith communities and plead for those outside
the community.
We are reminded that we live and
breathe and have our being only by God’s grace. The book of Genesis records
that the evil practices of mankind became so great that God destroyed all of
the population with the exception of Noah and his family. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah
were destroyed not merely for their immorality and violence but also because
they failed to care for the poor and needy. In chapter 16, Ezekiel makes
reference to Sodom, a “sister” in his allegory
of Jerusalem’s
unfaithfulness to God.
Chapter 21 prophesies the great
destruction which will be dispensed because of all this sin. Again, we look at
this prophecy in the light of our world today. Is our world more morally
upright than the nation of Israel
which incurred God’s judgement? Are we, the church, standing in the gap for our
unsaved neighbours?
Prophecies against surrounding nations
A prophecy against Ammon (Chapter 25)
Because the Ammonites rejoiced
over the desecration of the sanctuary and the destruction of the Israelites,
God decreed through Ezekiel that Ammon would be conquered.
A prophecy against Moab(Chapter
The Moabites were also destined to
be conquered because of their scorn towards Judah.
A prophesy against Edom
(Chapter 25)
The Edomites were vengeful towards
This is alluded to again in chapter 35, where the Edomites were singled out as
being gleeful and malicious in their zeal to possess the pasture lands of
Israel, and were destroyed by God as a consequence.
A prophecy against Philistia (Chapter 25)
Like the Edomites, the Philistians
are described as vengeful and malicious and similarly incurred God’s judgement
and punishment.
Throughout these prophecies, we understand that although God
had already pronounced judgement upon Israel, He did not accept the
actions and attitudes of the surrounding nations towards His people.
Today the nations of the Middle East
are still involved in great turmoil and conflict. We are reminded through these
prophecies of the historical significance of the nation of Israel to God. There are many
commentators who deeply study the events unfolding in the middle east in
relation to what the Bible tells us in Revelation is yet to happen in this
world and there is much study material available for those interested in this
subject area. We also know that God is Sovereign over all and world events will
only unfold according to His will and timing.
These prophecies serve to remind us that God is still
involved in judging and defending His people, which today are His church. These
also remind us on a more personal level to “judge not, or you too will be
judged” (Matthew 7:1), also “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave
room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will
repay," says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19). The apostle Paul tells us that
“love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.” (1 Corinthians
13:6). We are not to gossip or take enjoyment from the sins of others, but to
intercede and pray for them.
Prophecy against Tyre (Chapter 26) and the King of Tyre (chapter 28)
The flourishing Phoenician trading port of Tyre
had become extremely wealthy and proud of its position. Again, it was Tyre’s scornful attitude towards the destruction of Israel with an expectation of prospering from Israel’s
downfall that merited God’s wrath and prophecy of destruction by the
Babylonians. The king of Tyre
who had elevated his position to godly status was also doomed to destruction.
Chapter 28 of Ezekiel is significant in that the king of Tyre is not only
representative of the earthly monarch of that time, but also describes Satan.
We are given a description of Satan’s fall and the reason for it. Although
“full of wisdom and perfect in beauty” (28:11) Satan became blinded to his true
dependency on God : “In the pride of your heart you say “I am a god” (28:1).
Satan in his pride falsely exalted himself to equality with God, and in the
Garden of Eden tempted Eve with the same false promise “you will be like God,
knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:5). Praise God, through Jesus Christ mankind
has the opportunity of redemption from sin through repentance and faith in
Jesus. Satan is eternally cast out of heaven and he and his fallen angels are
defeated and doomed to destruction.
More prophecies
against surrounding countries
A prophecy against
This ancient Phoenician capital, often mentioned in
conjunction with Tyre, was also a trading port,
and like Tyre, is described here as malicious in
its attitude towards Israel
and suffered conquest as a consequence.
A prophecy against
Like Tyre, the Egyptian
nation had become so wealthy and powerful that they had elevated their king to
god status and had forgotten the God who had created all things: “You say the Nile is mine, I made it for myself” (29:3). Desolation,
famine and plague are predicted. Egypt’s allies, Cush and Put,
Lydia, Arabia and Libya were all
destined to be conquered alongside. (30:5)
A prophecy against the
shepherds of Israel.
(Chapter 34)
The religious leaders were not caring for their flock, but
only for their own interests. They did not strengthen the weak or heal the
sick, tend the injured or search for strays. They ruled harshly and allowed the
flock to be scattered. For this God warns that they will be held accountable.
Not only are the shepherds being warned here. All believers
are warned that God knows their hearts and their actions and that he will judge
between one sheep and another. We are to encourage, care for and share with
each other fairly. Disunity, church hurt and bullying are serious before God.
A great promise is held in this chapter for those who have
been hurt within the church. “I will place over them one shepherd, my servant
David, and he will tend them; he will tend them and be their shepherd.” There
are many, many godly shepherds and sheep in the church today, but Jesus himself
will minister to those who turn to Him when earthly ministries fall short.
Prophecy to the mountains of Israel(Chapter36)
Towards the end of the book of Ezekiel, the prophet provides
two prophecies “to”, rather than “against” the nation of Israel. They
demonstrate that in His grace, God provides mercy as well as judgement to those
who repent and turn to Him in faith.
Whereas in chapter 6 God casts judgement on the mountains of
He now promises the land will experience fruitfulness, increase, prosperity and
purity.He had already promised in chapter six that He would not destroy everybody but would spare a remnant who would turn to Him in repentance and faith. Throughout scripture God demonstrates His desire to do this: consider Noah and his family; Abraham's pleas for the sparing of Lot and his family, and Peter's encouragement as he recalls the prophecies of the evil times and tribulation which are still coming: "He [Jesus] is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)
Similarly, towards the end of the book of Revelation we are
given a picture of the “New Jerusalem”, the kingdom of Christ
in all its wonder and glory.
For Christians, we experience the abundant life promised in
the New Testament and the blessings and fruits of the Holy Spirit now when we
are redeemed in Christ, and the promise of experiencing the wonders of Heaven
when we finally go to our home with Him.
Prophecy to the breath
in the valley of dry bones (chapter 37)
This well known vision of dry bones which the Lord restores
to life holds the promise that those who are martyred for their faith will
become alive again in Christ. This great promise is outlined again in the
descriptions of the martyrs in Hebrews 11: “They were all commended for their
faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. God had planned
something better for us so that only together with us would they be made
Revelation chapter six records the fact that God has not
forgotten His martyrs: “And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the
altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the
testimony which they held:
And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.”
And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.”
As believers we have the promise of eternal life with
Christ. This prophecy of the dry bones coming to life also symbolises the death
that we as humans experience through sin and the hope of new life we have in
Christ. When we become Christians through acceptance of Christ as our Saviour
through His death on the cross, we are born again. (John 3). Christ breathes a
new existence into us, one that is eternal. We will physically die in this
life, but have the promise of resurrection to live with Christ forever. 1Thesselonians
4:16 describes the resurrection of the saints when the events of Revelation are
fulfilled: “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud
command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and
the dead in Christ will rise first.”
A prophecy against Gog
(Chapter 38)
This final prophecy against a people or nation is directed
to a coalition of nations which will invade Israel led by Gog and including
Persia, Cush, Put Gomer and Beth Togarmah and is widely interpreted as being an
attack which has not yet occurred and may well be part of the tribulation
period described in Revelation. The reader is advised to pursue further
personal study as there is a plethora of
resources to study if one is interested in the subject. In a broad sense Gog
may represent a general term for the enemies of God’s people. The book of
Revelation leads us in no doubt that there is a time coming when God’s people
will be persecuted on an unprecedented scale; yet at the same time God reminds
us that He is sovereign. Study of these matters may be sobering for the
Christian, but we have the assurance of God’s provision for all that we need to
equip us to live in the situations in which He places us. As Paul says in Philippians
3 “I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing
worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I
consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.” A relationship with Christ is
the most precious thing that we can ever hope to gain in this world.
The prophecies of Ezekiel
demonstrate to us that
- God hates iniquity and sin and is well aware of what is happening in the world. Far from being aloof to the actions of mankind, He will respond. Wickedness deserves God's judgement and He is a just and righteous God. Yet He is also a gracious and merciful Father who provided Jesus His Son to take our punishment for us when we commit our lives to God through repentance and faith in Christ. Only through Jesus are we saved from the final judgement of God on this world which the scriptures tell us is coming.
- God takes no pleasure in the death of unbelievers (Ezekiel 18:32). As Christians it is our responsibility to warn unbelievers of their need for repentance and to intercede for them.
- We are to be aware of our human capacity for sin and pride and self-sufficiency and be continually mindful of both our dependency on God and the need to give Him the glory which He alone deserves.
- God restores new life and wonderful hope to those who turn to Him in repentance and faith in Jesus Christ His Son.
“I will give them an undivided
heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of
stone and give them a heart of flesh. Then they will follow my decrees and be
careful to keep my laws. They will be my people and I will be their God.”
Ezekiel 11: 19,20.
[i] For
further information on the prophesies of Revelation, I recommend “Because the
Time is Near” by John Macarthur, Moody
Publishers Chicago 2007
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