
Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Starting the poetry year with romance....


here I embroider in words
hearts flowers excessively
beautiful birds
the intricate, the possible
threads of phrases, colours
bright of every hue
and you
in every syllable, fashioned there
gossamer wings and angel’s hair
I ply, like a needle, the pen
to chart a life, to catch
the sunlight on your cheek
the expression of your smile
a roguish glance and a rakish grin
words to tie you to a page
like stitches in a pattern there
testament to love
and yet
you breathe
I leave you live
and love dissipates
lighter than air

A love

You are a gossamer spider web
that entraps me with filaments finely spun
delicate silken circles shining in the sun
I fly into the tendrils of your embrace
not knowing I will never escape

You are a fast flowing stream. I dip
my hands into your fountains grasping
for what is only a dream. I clasp
and the water flows onward beyond my catching
caressing my soul with fleeting temptation

You are the sun that warms my face, light
that floods my mind with consciousness
the touch of a barely dreamed of embrace
knowledge in the depth of your eyes that takes
its own flight

I am lost and found in you, time ceases and takes its
own moments in you. I wait for time and know
the pain of the unfilled hands, the woven web
the stream ever rushing freely, midnight struck
and time moving taking its own flow

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