One of my favourite passages in the Bible is found in the
book of the prophet Ezekiel, chapter 47. The prophet is led by a guide who
three times makes a specific measurement and leads him into water which is
progressively ankle deep, knee deep and waist deep. A fourth time he measures
and shows the man a river which is deep enough to swim in.
Like many biblical passages, there are many interpretations
of this symbolism. Some writers focus on the progressive discovery of the
deeper truths of God. Another interpretation I have read focuses on suffering
and the surrender of self-control.
What the passage does demonstrate is that God’s ways are
measured, directed and for our ultimate benefit. What I find interesting about
this passage is that Ezekiel is shown the deep river but not plunged in up to
his neck or over his head. He is gently taken back to the riverbank and his
guide describes the river:
Every living creature which swarms where the river flows will live; there will
be many fish, for these waters flow there. It will become fresh and everything
will live where the river flows. 47:10
Fishermen will stand beside it; from Engedi to En-eglaim they will spread nets.
They will catch many kinds of fish, like the fish of the Great Sea.
47:11 But its swamps and
its marshes will not become fresh; they will remain salty. 47:12 On both sides of the river’s banks, every kind of
tree will grow for food. Their leaves will not wither nor will their fruit
fail, but they will bear fruit every month, because their water source flows
from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing.”
We are told at the beginning of the chapter that this river
has its source from the altar in the temple. What a wonderful, joyful
description of not only a beautiful landscape but also the living, cleansing,
nourishing Spirit of God.
In the last chapters of Revelation, we are given a
description of what the New Jerusalem will look like, when the great tribulation
on earth has finished and Christ has returned to claim his bride. This
description includes, in chapter 21, an angel with a golden rod measuring the
city. In the final chapter of the Bible we are given the description of a river
which is similar to that found in Ezekiel:
“22:1 Then the angel showed me
the river of the water of life – water as clear as crystal – pouring out from
the throne of God and of the Lamb, 22:2
flowing down the middle of the city’s main street. On each side of the river is
the tree of life producing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every
month of the year. Its leaves are for the healing of the nations.”
Again, we have the wonderfully rich imagery of a physically
beautiful landscape and the symbolism of energy, health, cleansing and abundance.
The passages positively teem with life. Again, the source of all this is our
God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.
How wonderful to know Him - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
How wonderful to experience life with Him every day. For He
has come, not to condemn, but to release us into abundant life with Him.
Praise God.
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