The story depicts a group of farm animals who, in the absence of their human masters, decide to take control and work the farm according to their own philosophies. Gradually over time, their ideals disintegrate and the pigs establish a control which in the final scene is barely distinguishable from that which was formerly practised by the humans.
What does this have to teach us in the church?
In the past week I was shocked and saddened to watch a video of a church service in which a group of young people presented an item to the very large congregation. Dressed as zombies, they staggered on stage and proceeded to sing and dance to Michael Jackson's "Thriller". In terms of a high school rock eisteddfod, they may have been judged to have done a great job. In terms of a church service, I would have to ask - What on earth were you thinking folks?
This is written with the greatest love for the young people involved. Yes, the church needs to address the culture of its time. Yes, it needs to harness the exuberance and talents of its young people. No - it does not need to copy the Godless and hedonistic society in which we live. It needs to display the real alternative, the only hope, that a Christ-centred church offers. Where was the direction and guidance that should have been offered to these young people?
The church is a place for God to be honoured first and foremost. It's a place for worship, both reverently and joyfully. A church filled with the Holy Spirit will sing and dance and clap and laugh and smile and hug ( appropriately). But we need to be aware that there are other spiritual forces which attach themselves to churches and they are evil. It's easy for things to be done for human pride and to entertain ourselves, rather than for the worship and honour which is God's due, and this applies to a whole range of aspects of church culture including worship.
The bible tells us we are created in God's image.( Genesis 1:27) As far as I'm concerned there is nothing God- honouring about dancing zombies, or people on all fours barking like dogs or shrieking and gyrating with maniacal laughter and I would question what kind of spirits are attaching themselves to such behaviour.
Biblically, people are drawn to God because we honour Him and love one another. Jesus said "but I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself." (John 12:32) When we honour Christ's death and resurrection, we are a witness to the unsaved. Jesus also said "By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:35). When we display love and unity within the church, love not found in the world, we will reach out to a thirsty and dry world. We do not need, and in fact there is nothing so false, as a church which copies the ideals and standards of the society in which we live.
And we all fall short. It's only by the obedience of Christ displayed to us that we also learn to be obedient to our Heavenly Father. It's only by the grace of God that we can know and show His love and grace. It's only through the power of the Holy Spirit that we can forgive and reach out to others in the way that He desires. |
We live in rapidly changing and serious times. Be right with God. Enjoy the genuine. Know your Bible. Be discerning. And be part of a church that strives to be an alternative to this world.
May God bless you.
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