
Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Shedding, like eucalypts, the year's detritus.

 Some Australian Eucalyptus trees shed their bark periodically. To do so allows them to grow and mature, to cleanse their surface of insect infestations and allows a fresh protective layer to develop. 

God in His wonderful creative genius has placed much symbolism for us in nature. I find in this process observed in Eucalyptus trees a lesson about letting go. We cannot grow in maturity without letting go of things which always hold us back - all the negative attitudes, emotions and actions which we may be tempted to cling to.

Paul the apostle wrote in his letter to the Philippian church:

 "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize of God’s heavenly calling in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13

For me personally 2024 has presented some challenges. I've learned that you cannot control the  attitudes, words and actions of others. We can only control our own. More and more I'm learning to come to God in prayer, to acknowledge His sovereignty in all situations, His loving care and the guidance of His Holy Spirit, the great Counsellor. 

What is shed from the eucalypts returns to the earth, replenishing the soil and nourishing life within the ecosystem. The act of giving away can bless not only ourselves but others too. In a world of acquisition and materialism, some are discovering simplicity and minimalism. In blessing others materially and financially we receive blessing. In extending compassion and forgiveness we shed the growth- retarding veneer of bitterness. 

A calendar may be a human construct, but God in His wisdom has arranged the rotation of the earth to provide us with day and night, time and seasons. Every 365/66 days we begin a new year and with it the opportunity to leave behind some things from past years. 

With God's help, may we appreciate all He has done for us and given to us. May we follow Him closely this year as we make resolutions and plans for the year ahead. In all our lives may we glorify Him and share His gift of love and salvation to others.

Happy New Year 2025.


Monday, 23 December 2024

Christmas Blessings

 Christmas is drawing near and with it the annual reminder of Christ's birth. In all the annals of history, this one story stands alone : that God became flesh and dwelt among us. Born in a humble stable, proclaimed by angels to the lowliest of workers, worshipped by the wise and mighty. 

Jesus was born that we might know God. He lived that we might know the character of God. He died that we might know the forgiveness of our sinful nature and live in communion with God. He sent God's Holy Spirit that we might have a constant Counsellor and guide in our earthly lives and be able through His Spirit to reach out to others. Jesus rose from the dead, conquering sin and death forever and He reigns on high. He is coming again to judge and finally restore this broken world.

Amid the tinsel and preparations, presents, stress and festivities, Jesus still reigns supreme. He is the life and joy and love in the blessed happiness of little children. He is the comforter of those who know grief and loss this season. He is the provider that those who have may bless those who are struggling. He is our refuge and strength. He loves with an everlasting love.

Christmas- the name itself means Christ Worship. It is a great joy to worship Christ at Christmas, and every day. May God richly bless you at Christmastime as we thank Him for the most precious gift of Jesus.

Isaiah 9:6"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace"