
Tuesday, 29 January 2019

2020 Vision

What needs to change?
As we come into a new year, this is a good time to take stock of what we are doing in our lives and what we would like to achieve or be doing this year. For some we will make resolutions, others may be content with the status quo.
I found it helpful to write down in my prayer diary a list of all the areas in my life which take up my time and attention. This way I can see where my time goes and whether I am spending too much time, money and effort in one area at the expense of others. Like most of us, I find life is busy and time is in short supply. Yet we all have the same amount of time - 24hours in a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks every year. Here is my list

God- reflections, prayer, Bible reading, connect group, church


Family - husband, son at home, son and daughter-in-law, pets - running the household containing all these

Health - Diet, exercise and sleep

Work - God has given me three words for my paid employment this year and they are application, enthusiasm and learning.

Writing - blog, writing sites, poetry

Friends - keeping in touch

Extended family

Hobbies and interests - reading, craft, TV, gardening, puzzles, walking, day trips, piano, cooking

I'm sure there are things I've missed and this list is not necessarily in the order of priority, with the exception of the first 3 items. The piano has been sadly neglected for years and I would like to spend more time with some friends and extended family members. I've resurrected my prayer diary. Whilst I enjoy computer games, I realise how much time can be swallowed up at the keyboard, so I've learned to limit my activity.  Just by making a list enables me to at least think about what my priorities are and not waste what God has blessed me with.

Like the native bees in my garden- busy but happy.